The lush green hills of Panchalimedu lead you to a haven for holistic healing. As you soak in the goodness of a pristine environment away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we guide you through a transformative journey. A journey that lets you discover a life in tune with nature. A meditative pause from the stressful and mindless lifestyle of modern times. A chance to listen to your body, mind and spirit and feel the real sense of well-being. Nature inspires and protects you as you prepare to embark on a healing experience that unfolds within you.

Holistic Healing

The benevolence of nature is our source of strength and for therapies, we solely use the elements of nature in the purest form. Being in a beautifully serene and untainted setting gives us the privilege of having fresh air, pure water, untouched soil, abundant sunlight and virgin forests for facilitating the treatments. By devoting themselves to the practice of Yoga and Naturopathy in the most authentic way, our team of doctors and therapists are able to handhold you through a harmonious phase of mental, physical and spiritual awakening.

Cocooned in the beauty and serenity of nature, Prakriti Shakti takes you on a metamorphic journey where the healer in you lets you breakaway from the ignorance and the chaos of an unhealthy way of living and transform into a state of inner harmony and calmness.

Food Philosophy

Being mindful of what you eat and the way you eat is a major part of naturopathic lifestyle. In naturopathic treatment process, prescribing dietary practices based on your health condition is crucial to initiate and sustain the healing mechanism of your body. At Prakriti Shakti, we completely adhere to the dietary requirements in the naturopathic way of living. They form the basis of our food philosophy.

The food provided by nature are our ingredients and their natural properties are retained in our preparations. We maintain a fireless kitchen because we do not believe in making any interference that saps food of its life and inherent goodness. Here, we strive to develop a culinary legacy that respects and preserves the inherent value in food from the earth and where each morsel exudes love and gratitude towards the mother earth.


GXHG+9GG, Panchalimedu, Kerala 685532

090726 10130


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